It's already been a month since we have 2019 but I still feel as some part of me stuck in 2018. I have this weird addiction of rating, categorizing and summing up everything. I thought that I may win with it this time but wow, could I be more wrong... I decided to come back to the summary that I made in June and expand it. Don't want to put albums in particular order so instead I put them in groups. Need to have them in my car forever(1-11) This group contains superb albums which present unique sound design and approach. Most of them are either a perfect example of breakthrough ideas for a given genre or perfect execution of an already known recipe. It's also a great representation of my main music fascinations from 2018. This is a mix of albums I was moved by the most. * - mixtape/mix/EP Skee Mask - Compro Yves Tumor - Safe in the Hands of Love SOPHIE - Oil of Every Pearl's Un-Insides Julia Holter - Aviary DJ Healer ...