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Summing up music of 2018

It's already been a month since we have 2019 but I still feel as some part of me stuck in 2018. I have this weird addiction of rating, categorizing and summing up everything. I thought that I may win with it this time but wow, could I be more wrong... I decided to come back to the summary that I made in June and expand it. Don't want to put albums in particular order so instead I put them in groups.

Need to have them in my car forever(1-11)

This group contains superb albums which present unique sound design and approach. Most of them are either a perfect example of breakthrough ideas for a given genre or perfect execution of an already known recipe. It's also a great representation of my main music fascinations from 2018. This is a mix of albums I was moved by the most.

* - mixtape/mix/EP

Will remember them for a long time(12-26)

Here we have albums that just barely missed the first group. All of them are very important and provided me with a great dose of fun. These are still the best of 2018.

Really enjoyed listening to them(27-47)

Excellent albums with just a few flaws. Sometimes it means playing with a certain idea for a bit too long or mixing too many different moods. However, I still spent a lot of time with each one of these and find them intriguing.


Great ideas and nice execution. These albums certainly drew my attention and impressed me in some areas. On the other hand, I didn't spend with them as much time as with albums from a group above. They are still undoubtedly worth checking out and are highlights of the year as other 143 albums missed this group.
Shot from Happy as Lazzaro(2018)


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