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2017 - Favourite music, shows and movies

As a list and summary lover I wanted to sum up 2017 in some way so I came up with something that you can see below. We live in a world of professional recommenders and by any means I feel as a one whose voice in this matter shoud be treated especially seriously. There are way better and more important lists. But still, I assume that anything that makes one curious is worth sharing. Feel free to contact me if you want to spend some time conversating or have any questions.


  1. Kendrick Lamar - DAMN.
  2. Mount Eerie - A Crow Looked at Me
  3. Caterina Barbieri - Patterns of Consciousness
  4. Prince of Denmark - 8
  5. 坂本龍一 [Ryuichi Sakamoto] - async
  6. Dean Hurley - Anthology Resource Vol. 1: △△
  7. SZA - CTRL
  8. Tyler, the Creator - Flower Boy
  9. Kettenkarussell - Insecurity Guard
  10. Slowdive - Slowdive
  11. Johnny Jewel - Windswept
  12. Angelo Badalamenti - Twin Peaks: Limited Event Series Soundtrack
  13. DJ Seinfeld - Time Spent Away From U
  14. Visible Cloaks - Reassemblage
  15. Rafael Anton Irisarri - The Shameless Years
  16. Colin Stetson - All This I Do for Glory
  17. Arca - Arca 
  18. Lee Gamble - Mnestic Pressure
  19. M.E.S.H. - Hesaitix
  20. Errorsmith - Superlative Fatigue
  21. Priests - Nothing Feels Natural
  22. Talaboman - The Night Land
  23. Daigo Hanada - Ichiru
  24. Vince Staples - Big Fish Theory
  25. Kelly Lee Owens - Kelly Lee Owens
  26. Second Woman - E/P
  27. Patricia - Several Shades of the Same Color 
  28. Mac DeMarco - This Old Dog
  29. Piernikowski - No Fun
  30. Emptyset - Borders
I am not 100% sure yet but I am planning to write separate posts on my Facebook Fanpage about top 10 albums. Make sure you follow it if you find my insights noteworthy.

* I decided to give you hyperlinks to RYM for each album. It may not look neetly but that way you can find more info quickly.

Honorable mentions:

  1. Gábor Lázár - Crisis of Representation
  2. Carla dal Forno - The Garden
  3. The Empire Line - Syndicat de la Couture
  4. Sufjan Stevens - Carrie & Lowell Live
  5. Various Artists - Mono no aware


  1. Twin Peaks: The Return dir. D. Lynch
  2. Sieranevada dir. C. Puiu
  3. The Salesman dir. A Farhadi
  4. Manchester by the Sea dir. K. Lonergan
  5. Toni Erdmann dir. M. Ade
  6. Paterson dir. J. Jarmusch
  7. The Other Side of Hope dir. A. Kaurismaki
  8. La La Land dir. D. Chazelle
  9. The Meyerowitz Stories dir. N. Baumbach
  10. Félicité dir. A. Gomis
I watched 151 movies this year but only 20 of them premiered in 2017 because I am still more interested in discovering the past of the cinema than catching up with the present. However, the new films I watched were carefully chosen thus I really enjoyed most of them. I enlisted 10 which impressed me the most.

* I don't care how you classify Twin Peaks; it was the most important and exciting cinematic experience I've ever had.


  1. Caterina Barbieri - Open Source Art Festival: Sopot
  2. Yves Tumor - Creepy Teepee: Kutna Hora 
  3. Rrose - 89: Kraków
  4. DJ Sprinkles - Unsound Flower Power: Kraków
  5. Moodymann - Audioriver: Płock
  6. Priests - Creepy Teepee: Kutna Hora
  7. Steven Warwick - Lado w mieście: Warszawa
  8. Lanark Artefax - Unsound Flower Power: Kraków
  9. Sevdaliza - World Wide Warsaw: Warszawa
  10. DJ Earl - Creepy Teepee: Kutna Hora
I wrote about most of these shows in my festival reviews. I don't feel like describing them extensively again. If you have a chance to see one of listed artists live, do not miss it. Each show provided me with a great dose of different emotions but only Caterina Barbieri gave me pure catharsis.

It was a great year. I hope the next one will be even better. Best wishes!


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